Parking Restrictions
Use this tool to toggle roadside parking lanes on or off.
Choose Parking Restrictions on the Toolbar:
Click an icon to toggle the parking state of the associated lane.
Allow | Deny |
Changes are applied instantly and any cars already parked there will teleport to other parking spaces nearby. However, some traffic that was planning to park in the area might still try parking, but will quickly notice the changes and look for alternate locations.
The following shortcuts are available when the Parking Restrictions tool is active...
orRight mouse click
- exit Parking Restrictions toolReturns focus to the Toolbar and enables its Adjust Roads mode.
Basic applicators:
Click an icon
- toggle associated parking lane on/offShift
+Click an icon
- toggle parking lane on/off between junctions
Camera / Overlays:
Mouse wheel
- zoom in or outIf you zoom out too far, overlays may disappear
- underground viewThis activates a simplified version of the Traffic Info View
- overground view
While the tool is active, icons show the state of nearby parking lanes:
(todo: image)
To see icons for distant roads, move the camera towards them. Overlay transparency can be set in General Settings in Settings.
When the tool is deactivated, overlays will be removed. A persistent overlay, which shows where parking is restricted whenever the Toolbar is visible, can be enabled in Overlays in Settings.
Q: The mouse is hovering a parking icon but the lane doesn't highlight
A: This is due to road asset that set parking lane direction
to Both
, rather than Forward
or Backward
. TM:PE settings currently can't handle the Both
setting, so this is something we need to fix ( see Issue #827 for details).
Q: When I alter my city, parked cars sometimes move in to disabled parking lanes
A: This is due to the direction
issue mentioned above. See Issue #676 for more details.
Q: What happens if I disable all roadside parking?
Cims will be limited to using parking spaces in buildings
If you have enabled Parking AI, it might prevent cims reaching their destination
A lack of parking near public transport hubs and stations could prevent cims using them
Q: Can I repurpose the parking lane in to something else?
A: No, but we are thinking about it. See: Issue #515
Q: Some roads don't have parking icons?
The road has to support in-road parking lanes; there's no way to add parking to roads that don't support it.
Green 'parking allowed' icons aren't shown in the persistent summary Overlays; they only appear while the parking restrictions tool is active.
Parking icons disappear if the road is too far from the camera; move the camera closer to the road.
Q: I have a one way road with parking on both sides, but only get one parking icon
A: This is a known issue which will hopefully be fixed in future update; see: Issue #516
Q: Some vehicles still use the parking lanes
A: Reckless Drivers ignore parking restrictions.
Q: Does it work on Parking Lot Roads?
A: No. They use special 'building props': Use Find It! to add, Move It! to move/copy, and bulldozer to delete. For better placement of Parking lots, try the Parking Lot Snapping mod.
Q: Can I remove parking spaces from buildings?
A: Not with TM:PE. You can try BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer which can remove parking props and parking markers from buildings.
Q: Why don't parking meter props change?
A: They're randomly placed during road creation or upgrade; they won't change to reflect parking availability. You can try BOB, the Tree and Prop Replacer which can remove parking meter props from networks.
Q: Why don't lane markings change?
A: Lane markings are 'hard coded' in to the road design; they won't change to reflect parking availability. If you want full control over lane markings, you could try Blank Roads 3 assets along with the Intersections Marking Tool (it can be used on road segments too, not just junctions).
Q: Why are only local residents parking here?
A: The Old Town Overview: City and District Policies cause that to happen.
See Also
Parking AI - improved parking, particularly in large car parks
Overlays - toggle persistent overlay