Traffic Manager 11 for Cities: Skylines Help

Turn On Red


Use these features to allow vehicles to perform Unprotected Turns while stopped at red Traffic Lights:

  • This can help reduce congestion on the road waiting at the red traffic lights

  • However, it increases risk of accidents should traffic entering on a green light also wish to enter the same road


There are two kinds of Turn on Red...

Near-side turns

The main Turn on Red policy controls near-side unprotected turns.

A near-side turn means the first road on the same side that traffic drives on (e.g. if traffic drives on the right, they can turn right).

Far-side turns

The secondary One-way roads policy, if enabled, automatically applies wherever the main Turn on Red policy is applied; it enables far-side unprotected turns, but only between one-way roads (the vehicle must enter from, and exit to, a one-way road).

A far-side turn means the first road on the opposite side that traffic drives on (e.g. if traffic drives on the right, they can turn left — but only if it's from/to one-way roads).


To set city-wide defaults for near-side turns:

  1. Open Maintenance Settings in Settings

  2. Set Vehicles may turn at red traffic lights to the desired state

To set junction-specific overrides for near-side turns:

  1. Open the Toolbar

  2. Select the Junction Restrictions tool

    Junction Restrictions

  3. Select the junction to customize

  4. Toggle the Turn on Red icons to the desired state (allow/deny)

    Allow Turn Right on Red Deny Turn Right on Red

To also allow far-side turns between one-way roads:

  1. Open Maintenance Settings in Settings

  2. Enable Also apply to left & right turns between one-way streets option

  3. Any road where Turn on Red is enabled can now also make far-side turns between one-way roads

For best results, you should also create some Dedicated Turning Lanes at the junctions where you allow turn on red, otherwise traffic wishing to turn will get stuck behind traffic waiting to go straight on at the light.


See also




Last modified: 09 June 2024