Report a Bug
Before you start
Try the Compatibility Report mod - it finds broken and incompatible mods real quick.
Check the 👉 Troubleshooting guide, which contains solutions to common problems.
You can also view lists of issues for known bugs, mod conflicts, or all open issues.
Create a bug report
Bugs can be reported in following places:
Steam Workshop - on either the STABLE or TEST page (not both!)
If you haven't already done so, provide concise details about the problem
Share your Cities Skylines log file - we need this to track down errors!
This is our preferred way of getting bug reports because it ensures they are properly tracked.
**Click here to report a bug ** ( you'll need a free personal GitHub account to do this)
Please provide as much info as you can to help us understand the problem
Discord chat
Get almost instant response to questions and support queries
Send a message in the #Issues channel
Please include a comment summarizing what the problem is
Please be patient
We are all volunteers doing this for free in our spare time. It might take a while for us to respond, and we can't guarantee that we'll be able to fix every bug, but we'll do our best.
Things we won't support
Pirated version of game
Old version of game or mods