How to Remove Workshop Networks
After unsubscribing a workshop network, save games no longer load
This can also happen in the author of that network removes it from workshop or deletes their Steam account
These issues are not caused by TM:PE.
If you placed a workshop network (or a building that contains one) in your city (or a map/scenario file), you won't be able to load it if the network is missing.
Luckily there's some mods and workshop assets that can usually get you back up and running :)
Solution 1 - Replace before removing
Subscribe and enable Loading Screen Mod (LSM)
Make sure it's "Sharing" options are all enabled to minimize RAM consumption while loading
Subscribe and enable RON, the network replacer ( RON) mod.
If you want to replace Network Extensions 2 (NExt2) mod with normal roads, subscribe NExt replacement assets.
If you want to replace Metro Overhaul Mod (MON) tracks with normal tracks, subscribe MOM replacement assets.
Load your save
Use the RON mod to replace networks as necessary
Read the instructions on RON workshop page or watch ( YouTube) RON video tutorial.
Save game under new file name
Exit to desktop, unsubscribe the unwanted networks (mods or assets) you no longer use
If the new saved game no longer works, use LSM to generate missing asset report (set in mod options prior to loading the saved game) and subscribe any missing networks, then repeat the process.
Solution 2 - How to fix a broken saved game
If your save game fails to load, due to missing NExt or MOM networks:
Subscribe and enable Loading Screen Mod (LSM):
In its mod options, enable the Safe Mode options which help recover from errors during loading
For more details: Finding Broken & Bloated Assets
Subscribe and enable Safenets mod:
This will overcome most issues with missing networks
Specifically, it tries to fix: Simulation error Object reference not set ( the
Subscribe and enable RON, the network replacer ( RON) mod:
If you want to replace Network Extensions 2 (NExt2) mod with normal roads, subscribe NExt replacement assets.
If you want to replace Metro Overhaul Mod (MON) tracks with normal tracks, subscribe MOM replacement assets.
It should automatically replace old networks from the mods with the newly subscribed workshop assets during the loading process.
Try loading your game...
If the save loads properly, save it under a new file name, then exit to desktop. It should work fine after that.
Missing networks?
If the save still fails to load, enable the reporting options in LSM mod, then try again. The LSM report contains a section about "Nets" or "Networks" which lists any missing network assets. Clicking on the links will take you to the workshop page where you can subscribe the asset and that might get your game running again (if so, refer to Solution 1 to remove those networks from the map then you can try unsubscribing them again).
Required items missing?
If it's still not loading, you might be missing some 'Required Items' that are necessary for your other mods/assets to work. This is particularly common with things like train, metro and tram stations, but it can affect other buildings too. The required items are listed in the sidebar on workshop mod and asset pages...
To work out which workshop mod or asset might be affected, look in your log file for netinfo
errors like the following:
Once you identify a building that has a missing network, you can either:
Unsubscribe the building, or
Look in its 'Required Items' list (on workshop page) and subscribe any networks you're missing
After doing that for all buildings, try loading the save again. If it works, save under new name, and then it's up to you what you do with those buildings you just fixed/removed.
Was it Fixed?
If not, it's possible one of your mods is broken by missing networks. Most commonly it will be a mod that specifically deals with networks, such as MOM, Railway Replacer, Catenary Replacer, etc. Try disabling them, then exit to desktop, then relaunch game and try loading the save.
Other issues? See: 👉 Troubleshooting